The 19 Dragons by S.M. Reine


Link to The 19 Dragons on Amazon

The 19 Dragons is a short novel (a novella!), which as you can tell by the cover image, has steam-punk elements, but is much more than just a stream-punk story. It is truly unique. The story is written in present tense, and the author seems to be speaking right to you. Even the page formatting is creative, with empty spaces and pages that have only a few words on them and are very poetic.

The story itself is about 19 dragons. Each of them is a “pillar” of the land, which means that if they die, the land itself disappears. The dragons are immortal and can be reborn, as long as they have The Device. The Device is stolen in the first chapter, and the 1st Dragon is killed. Slowly the world begins to disappear as the dragons try to recover The Device and save the people who are still left.

Right now this eBook is free!

But if I had five chocolate cupcakes, I would trade all five for this book. (Yes, I’m a foodie. Sue me.)


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