Jenny Pox by JL Bryan


Link to Jenny Pox on Amazon.

So I read this book today, it’s offered for free for a limited time so I thought I’d give it a try. I was really excited about it, the description sounded so cool and the cover looked so mysterious. It’s about Jenny, a girl who infects anyone she touches with a pox that kills them, so she can never touch anybody. I think I might have gotten my hopes up too high and that’s why I was disappointed.

I wasn’t badly written. I could really feel the town and all the little details about Jenny’s life. But it was lacking a spark for me. The characters are a little flat, and the plot could have had more drama. The antagonist, Ashleigh, is evil and manipulative, but doesn’t really have a reason why. Also she does things that really gross me out. She has the power of desire, she can touch people and make them like her or desire other people. She forces, basically rapes, kids to have sex with each other at her school, even gets about 50 of them pregnant. It made me feel sick.

I won’t be reading the rest of the series or any of the other books offered by this author (they’re all priced low, and he has another series where the first book is also available at no cost). If you think the premise sounds interesting, you should still read it. I’d be interested to know if people agree or disagree with me on this book.


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