

Hi, my name is Sami! I read constantly. I can go through a full length novel a day. I’m completely glued to the kindle app on my android. Because buying all of these books can be expensive, I’m always on the lookout for inexpensive eBooks. I’m a huge fan of fantasy, and not a big fan of romance. Over time I’ve metaphorically dug my way through piles of Amazon eBooks and found some gems that are both inexpensive and well written, and I’ve always wanted to compile a list so that other people can find them as well.

I might review other books too, just for fun. Feel free to recommend books to me.

My Website: SamiMarx.com


This is my rating system. I’m not going to post any books that I don’t think are good, so it’s not the usual five star system (otherwise everything I post would be five stars, and kind of defeat the purpose of rating things.) These chocolate cupcakes were handmade by my grandma, so I don’t trade them lightly, even for books.

cupcakeNot sure if I like it.

cupcakecupcake  This book is okay. Probably interesting in some way, but has flaws.

cupcakecupcakecupcake This is a good book!

cupcakecupcakecupcakecupcake This is a great book!

cupcakecupcakecupcakecupcakecupcake This book blew my mind!

Get on your lazy ass and read it, right now!

5 thoughts on “About

  1. I just self-pubbed my book and soon it will be on Amazon for $2.99. You can find the description at my page. If you think it’s something you would like would you be willing to read/review it for me?

    1. Victoria,
      Can you send me the Amazon page once it’s up? It doesn’t seem down my usual alley, but I’m always willing to try new things. I’ll read the sample.
      Congratulations on finishing and publishing your book! How exciting. Hopefully I’ll be there one day, too.

      1. Hey Sami, here’s a link to my book on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/b00bd76bha Thanks for agreeing to at least look! I know that not all books are for everyone. Or all genres for that matter. Previously I had never read anything YA, I’m a mostly historical fiction kinda girl, but then I tried it and even though it was different, I really liked it! A lot of those books have such good voice and personality. Anyway, let me know what you think and if it’s something you’d be interested in. I’d recommend sending a sample chapter to your device. It’s on the right hand side on the Amazon screen. The look inside feature is sort of acting up right now for me but I’ll have it fixed soon. Thanks!

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