Haven by A.R. Ivanovich


Link to Haven on Amazon

Wow. So I’ve been reading countless eBook samples, trying to find a book that had that certain spark, and I finally found it. The first thing that caught my interest was the beautiful cover, but there is a great story behind it as well.

Katelyn Kestrel can find anything. All she has to do is want it, and she walks straight to it. She lives in isolated Haven Valley, where everybody has silvery eyes and first and last names that start with the same letter. The people of Haven have hidden from the outside world, but why? What is out there? Nobody will answer her question, so she sets out to find the forbidden path that will lead her out. Not even threats that looking for it will get her arrested can change her mind.  On the other side she finds a young man, Rune, who is dying alone from his wounds. Rune is a Dragoon, a person with magical Ability who was drafted into the War of the Princes. Katelyn can save him, but does she dare bring him into Haven? Or should she venture into the outside world for help?

This book reminds me of several best-sellers, for instance Graceling, by Kristin Cashore (which I absolutely love), and even The Hunger Games. My only complaint is that we don’t get to see more of the world than we do, but I love the ending.

This eBook is currently only 99 cents.
